Specifically, this growth package should bolster both business investment and consumer spending, which are critical to economic growth. 很明确的是,这个经济发展计划应该不仅促进企业投资,还要刺激消费者的消费,这两方面都是经济发展的关键因素。
The model for trusts has been to plug the holes that banks are unable or unwilling to fill, and then package their loans and deals into high-yielding investment products. 信托公司的业务模式是,填补银行不能或不愿填补的市场空缺,并将它们的贷款和交易打包成高收益的投资产品。
The most important component in the stimulus package is investment in infrastructure. 刺激方案中最重要的组成部分,是基础设施投资。
But the stimulus package under consideration will likely speed up this investment and significantly increase it in the coming years, bringing forward construction that was planned for the 2010-2020 period. 但尚在考虑中的经济刺激方案可能会加速铁路建设投资,使未来几年的投资明显增加,从而将2010年至2020年的建设计划提前。
Klaus Regling, head of the EFSF, went to Beijing as soon as the European rescue package was put together, begging for Chinese investment in the fund. 刚一达成拯救欧洲的一揽子计划,欧洲金融稳定基金掌门人克劳斯•雷格林(KlausRegling)就赶快奔赴北京,乞求中国投资该基金。
Last year, China also became the biggest manufacturer of wind turbines, again with the stimulus package accelerating an already rapid expansion in investment in the sector. 去年,中国还成为了风力涡轮机的第一大生产国,这还是要归功于经济刺激计划加速了该行业本来就增长很快的投资。
However, it may drop back again this year after the end of two key subsidy programmes introduced as part of the 2009 economic stimulus package: grants for renewable energy projects and government loan guarantees to encourage private sector investment. 然而,在作为2009年经济刺激方案组成部分的两项关键补贴计划(面向可再生能源项目的拨款、旨在鼓励私人部门投资的政府贷款担保)结束后,今年美国的投资额可能再度落后。
What saved the Midwest was not a temporary stimulus but a skilful rescue package, complete with government financing and public investment in research and development directed at next-generation electric vehicles. 拯救中西部不能靠临时刺激方案,而是要靠巧妙的一揽子救助方案,同时辅以下一代电动汽车研发方面的政府资助和公共投资。
Do you consider the executive compensation package as an indicator in making investment decision? 你会考虑管理人员报酬方案作为投资决定的指标吗?
It is heart-warming to see that Obama's economic rescue package contains significant levels of green investment. 不过,让我们欣慰的是,奥巴马总统的经济救援方案中包括了相当数量的绿色投资项目。
The ongoing unwinding of the stimulus package and the capacity reduction on energy-intensive sectors implies a likely moderation in investment, said economists at HSBC. 汇丰(HSBC)的经济学家们表示:目前经济刺激计划的逐步退出以及能源密集型行业产能的下降,暗示着投资可能有所减缓。
He said a growth package must include tax incentives for business investment and "direct and rapid" tax relief for individuals. 他说成长包裹必须包括税收鼓励为商业投资和“直接和迅速”减免税收为个体。
As part of the package Mr Obama included investments in "clean energy", health care investment to "reduce costs for families and for businesses" as well as spending on the education system. 奥巴马的一揽子计划中包括“清洁能源”投资、旨在“降低家庭和企业成本”的卫生保健投资以及教育体系支出。
The fiscal stimulus package has some "green" tinges, most notably the commitment to step up the already sizeable investment in rail infrastructure and improvements to the power network. 这一财政刺激方案带有一些“绿色”,其中最令人瞩目的是,在铁路基础设施方面加大本来就相当可观的投入,以及改进电力网络。
How in the recession of real estate, how to package aimed newly-married family, how the housing needs of alignment investment demand? 如何在萧条期包装房地产,如何瞄准新婚家庭的住房需求,如何对准投资需求?
Chinese market-oriented reform of the government also uses the package of contracts, and more attentions are paid to the process of production and investment. 我国在对政府进行市场化改革时也运用了合同外包的方式,更为关注公共服务生产过程和投入。
Banks have taken to distributing trust-company loans in bite-sized packages and even to offloading non-performing loans to trusts, which package them into investment products for sale to retail investors. 银行已习惯于向信托公司分配小规模贷款业务,甚至将不良贷款转手给信托公司,后者再把不良贷款打包成投资产品,出售给散户投资者。
The package lists public health, rural areas, urban community services and basic medical insurance as the four key areas for government investment. 医改方案将公共卫生、农村、城市社区医疗服务和基本医疗保险列为政府投资的四大主要区域。
The government has taken a package of fiscal and monetary policy measures to stimulate investment and consumption demand. 政府为抑制通货紧缩采取了一系列宏观财政政策和货币政策来刺激投资和消费需求,但效果并不明显。
Military equipment human capital educational investment risk assessment model based on Behavioral Package Theory, getting the risk measure model, breaking the limitations of commonly risk assessment methods, can be more scientific measurement and evaluation of educational investment risks. 基于行为组合理论的军事装备人力资本教育投资风险评价模型,得出了军方的风险评估公式,突破了常用风险评价方法的局限,可以比较科学的测算和评价教育投资风险。
Suggestions about the 4-trillion-yuan stimulus package as follows: Firstly, the government should estimate the actual results of these funds objectively and prudently, make up positive supporting policies to stimulate private investment and start domestic consumer demand. 针对当前4万亿经济刺激计划的建议:第一,要对4万亿资金的实际效果有一个客观和慎重的估计,积极制定配套政策,拉动民间投资,启动国内消费需求。
The Chinese government launched a package of stimulus plans to boost economic growth, and this has translated into fast rise of investment on fixed assets. 国家出台了一揽子刺激经济计划以拉动经济增长,客观上推动了固定资产投资的显著增长。